Canvas - Parent Login



The Canvas Parent Portal ( is now available;

Parents can:

  • View the work set for their child to complete
  • View work submitted by their child
  • Read teacher comments/feedback

Parents simply log in with the email that they previously provided to the school on the validation form

(Note: Microsoft or gmail email addresses are the two options for logging in to the parent portal)

The Password to enter is the parent’s email password

NOTE: If parents wish to login using the Canvas Parent App (and not use the link above), then download the Canvas Parent App to their phone/iPad and then go to ‘find your school’ in the App. 

When prompted to do so, parents can log in with the parent’s email address (as stated above).

Parents do not need a ‘pairing code’ to access their child’s work in the Canvas Parent App/Portal. 

The ‘pairing code’ is how Canvas set up the parent App for schools to use around the world, but Taroona High School uses another method to connect our parents to their children in the Parent App/Portal. 

 At Taroona High, we use the ‘sign in with parent email address’ method instead for our parents to connect with their child’s work in Canvas.

For instructions around how to login to the Canvas Parent Portal (using a computer Internet browser), please see screenshots below:

Go to

Click on “Families”:


You will then see this screen below:


Now choose the login option (Microsoft or Gmail) that aligns closely with the email address that you have previously given to the school for correspondence (e.g email address that you wrote on your child’s validation form)

Please note: Not all email addresses will be aligned with either Microsoft or Gmail and may not be able to login to the Canvas Parent Portal. If your email address does not login with either the Microsoft or Gmail login option, then please contact the school office for assistance. 

[A solution is to change the email address that the school currently has recorded for you on the school system. Change your email address to an address that aligns with either Microsoft or Gmail. This will enable you to login into the parent portal. Please Note: this new email address will be the address that the school will now use to correspond with you throughout the year]

On the next screen, type in your email address (that you have previously written on your child’s validation form) and the password is the password that you normally use to login to your email.

Congratulations, you should now be seeing (on the next screen) your child(ren)’s Canvas Home Page (and you should see the subjects that they are studied at school this year)

If you have not been successful logging into the Canvas Parent Portal, please contact the school office for assistance.

How to turn off parent portal text/email notifications

By default, parents will automatically receive notifications (email/text) when their child’s teachers:

create new assignments, mark the set work or send Canvas announcements to parents and students. 

To disable these notifications, parents log in to the Parent Portal (see above) and then go to “Accounts” and then “Notifications”. This is where parents can turn on/off notifications for each of their child(ren)’s subjects in Canvas.